Case 433

Photo-literary-scientific project by Sebastian Bejarano.

Two worlds converge in this project:

1. In the decade of 1880, one of the most important patrimonial assets in the history of Colombia and Latin America was discovered: the Quimbaya treasure.

Pertaining to Quimbayas culture (200 bc – 1000 ad, Quindio, Colombia) it is composed of more than 433 gold and ceramic pieces. However, the most valuable part –134 gold pieces – was bestowed in 1892 by the then president of the Republic of Colombia, Carlos Holguin, on Maria Cristina, Queen of Spain.

Currently, the treasury is in the Museum of America, in Madrid.

2. The literary Museum UNO was established in 2015. Created and directed by Sebastian Bejarano, Museum UNO collects all kinds of literary images, quotations, objects, details, atmospheres, and all manners of things circulating through literary fields. In other words: if it rains in a novel, Museum UNO will safekeep that rain.

This living archive occurs in the basements of the inexistent “cenotaph to newton”, (redacted), and currently has 9 basements where you can find, for example, “the idea of being a horse” by Felisberto Hernandez; “the dream-detecting machine” by Eduardo Galeano; “that noword” by Clarice Lispector; “the golden nose” by Jesse Ball; “the minute rain” by Salvador Elizondo; “the irreality of images” by Silvina Ocampo; or “the unicorn that noah did not allow in the ark”.

Case 433 presents a series of strategies aimed at stealing the Quimbaya treasure.

Each method of theft will be carried out using the collection of Museum UNO; which has been specializing its archives in function of Case 433.